
Wave Picking Optimisation

Manage your picking activities by sequencing them in the perfect route throughout your warehouse. Free up congestion by integrating real-time positioning with advanced warehouse optimization.


Decrease total travel time in your warehouse

Search and travel time take about 70% of the total picking time and this time is partly unproductive time. We have shown to improve routing efficiency with up to 28% by suggesting optimal routes that take into account stackability constraints, capacities, priorities and predicted travel time based on a predefined layout.

Control aisle congestion

Pickers on the same aisle can form congestion and reduce efficiency even more so. When integrated with a positioning system, picker routes can be adjusted in real-time in order to reduce potential congestion.

Heatmap based prediction

Analysing current movements in the aisles as well as predicted movements will result in a time-based forecast of which zones in the warehouse will be crowded and which not. These zones will then be highlighted in the resulting heatmap. Time based heatmaps are a great source of information for doing warehouse layout analysis.

Advanced path optimization takes into account your warehouse layout and provides the optimal routes for all your order pickers in real time to increase efficiency and reduce travel time by up to 43%

key features

Optimize your order picking operations

OnRoute takes into account several key elements when optimizing your indoor routing problems. It assigns orders to your pickers, managing the complexity of your picks while minimizing the total travel time.  A non-exhaustive list of such elements is given below:

  • Clustering fast-runners
  • Sequencing according to product weight and form factor
  • Stackability constraints
  • Heatmap predicted indoor traffic

solution details

How it works

Deciding on inventory targets for all products requires insights into the dynamics of keeping stock in a supply chain. There are different reasons why companies keep stock, ranging from commercial campaigns, strategic projects, buffering for uncertainties and protecting bottlenecks. We focus on the stock that is being kept to buffer against the uncertainty in demand and supply. This safety stock  typically represents a large part of the capital that is tied up in the day-to-day operations of a company. In order to optimize the return on this capital it is important to analyze how much and where this safety stock should be placed in the supply chain. 
Solvice OnStock optimizes the inventory levels from a multi echelon perspective: taking into account the different echelons (central warehouse, regional distribution centers, vendor-managed stock levels) of your supply chain and planning the replenishment orders at the same time.

Route Optimization
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AI Scheduling on top of your WMS


AI-powered Warehouse Workforce Demand Planning

To avoid over- or under-staffing, adjust labor allocation throughout a shift to ensure that work is completed on time. Pickers can be reassigned to other areas based on shifts in projected workloads per warehouse area throughout the day.

Real-Time Batching & Waving

Have optimized batches of pick lines that are assigned to pickers. Creating optimal waves based on customer order batching across multiple areas, order drop time, and maximum wave sizes.

Picking Path Optimization

Determine the best path for the worker to take through the warehouse to complete their work. Picklist optimization within a wave or batch based on warehouse area layout and pick dimensions.
AI Scheduling